How to Play a Stylophone

A Stylophone is a small, portable keyboard instrument that is played by touching a metal stylus to metal keys on the surface of the instrument.

Holding the Stylophone

  • Hold the Stylophone with your non-dominant hand, with your fingers wrapped around the back of the instrument.
  • Alternatively, rest the Stylophone onto a table and hold it still with your non dominant hand so it doesn't move.
  • Use your dominant hand to hold the stylus, which is a small metal rod with a pointed end.

Playing the Stylophone

  • Press the stylus onto the metal keys to play notes.
  • The keys are arranged in a single row, with the notes increasing in pitch as you move from left to right.
  • Experiment with different pressures and movements to create different sounds and dynamics.
  • The Stylophone also features a volume control and a tone control, use them to adjust the sound of your instrument.


  • Practice playing simple melodies or scales to get a feel for the instrument.
  • The Stylophone is a monophonic instrument, meaning it can only play one note at a time.
  • With practice, you can create vibrato and other expression effects by quickly moving the stylus back and forth on the same key.
  • You can also try using different objects to make contact with the keys, like a pencil or even your finger.

Have fun and enjoy your new Stylophone!